Is Lord Hanuman Still Alive?

Lord Hanuman is one of the most popular and beloved deities in Hinduism. He is known for his immense strength, intelligence, and devotion to Lord Rama. Hanuman is also said to be an immortal being.

So, the question is: Is Hanuman still alive?

The answer is not simple. It depends on how one defines “alive.”

If we are talking about physical existence, then it is likely that Hanuman is still alive. According to Hindu mythology, he is an immortal being, so he cannot die. However, there is no definitive answer to the question of whether or not he is still actively involved in the world.

Some Hindus believe that Hanuman is still present in the world, and that he continues to protect his devotees. They point to the many miracles that are attributed to Hanuman, even today.

Other Hindus believe that Hanuman has transcended the physical world, and that he is now in a state of moksha, or liberation. They believe that he is still able to intervene in the world, but that he does so rarely and only when it is absolutely necessary.

Ultimately, the question of whether or not Hanuman is still alive is up to each individual to decide. There is no right or wrong answer, and both perspectives are valid.

Evidence for Hanuman’s continued existence

There are many stories and anecdotes that suggest that Hanuman is still alive and active in the world today. For example, there have been many reports of people seeing Hanuman in visions or dreams. There have also been reports of Hanuman appearing to people in physical form, and helping them in times of need.

One famous story is the story of the Indian soldier who was saved by Hanuman during the Kargil War. The soldier was trapped in a bunker that was being bombarded by enemy artillery. He prayed to Hanuman for help, and Hanuman appeared to him in a vision. Hanuman told the soldier to stay calm and that he would protect him. The next day, the soldier’s bunker was hit by a shell, but miraculously, the soldier was unharmed.

Another story is the story of the Indian woman who was cured of cancer by Hanuman. The woman was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and she was given only a few months to live. She prayed to Hanuman for help, and Hanuman appeared to her in a dream. Hanuman told the woman that he would cure her, and he gave her a special herb to take. The woman took the herb, and she was miraculously cured of cancer.

These are just a few examples of the many stories and anecdotes that suggest that Hanuman is still alive and active in the world today.

Why might Hanuman be invisible to us?

If Hanuman is still alive, why is he invisible to us?

There are a few possible explanations. One possibility is that Hanuman is simply on a different plane of existence than we are. He may be in a higher dimension, or he may be in a different state of consciousness.

Another possibility is that Hanuman is choosing to remain invisible to us. He may do this because he wants us to focus on our own inner development, rather than relying on him for help. He may also do this because he wants us to learn to trust our own strength and abilities.

Whatever the reason, it is clear that Hanuman is a powerful and compassionate being who is always willing to help those in need. Whether or not he is physically visible to us, he is always there for us, watching over us and protecting us.

Lord Hanuman is one of the most popular and beloved deities in Hinduism. He is known for his immense strength, intelligence, and devotion to Lord Rama. He is also said to be an avatar of Lord Shiva.

Hanuman is also believed to be immortal, so the question of whether or not he is still alive is a matter of faith. There is no definitive answer, and both perspectives are valid.

Arguments in favor of Hanuman being still alive

  • Hindu mythology: According to Hindu mythology, Hanuman is an immortal being. He is said to have been granted immortality by Lord Rama himself. This means that Hanuman is not subject to the laws of birth and death, and he is therefore still alive today.
  • Miracles attributed to Hanuman: There are many miracles that have been attributed to Hanuman, even in recent times. For example, some people believe that Hanuman has saved their lives from danger, or that he has helped them to achieve their goals. These miracles are seen as evidence that Hanuman is still alive and active in the world today.
  • Devotional experiences: Many Hanuman devotees claim to have had personal experiences with the deity. They say that they have felt his presence, heard his voice, or even seen him in visions. These experiences are seen as evidence that Hanuman is still alive and present in the world.

Arguments against Hanuman being still alive

  • Lack of physical evidence: There is no physical evidence to prove that Hanuman is still alive. There have been no sightings of him, and there are no photographs or videos of him. This lack of evidence leads some people to believe that Hanuman is no longer alive.
  • Hanuman’s role in the Ramayana: In the Ramayana, Hanuman is said to have returned to his abode in the Himalayas after the war against Ravana. This suggests that Hanuman’s role in the world was over, and that he no longer needed to be physically present.
  • Symbolic interpretation of Hanuman: Some people believe that Hanuman is not a literal being, but rather a symbol of strength, devotion, and loyalty. They argue that it is not necessary for Hanuman to be physically alive in order to inspire and motivate people.


The question of whether or not Hanuman is still alive is a complex one. There is no definitive answer, and both perspectives are valid. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what they believe.

However, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that Hanuman is still alive and active in the world today. There are many stories and anecdotes of people who have been helped by Hanuman in miraculous ways.

Whether or not we can see Hanuman physically, he is always there for us, watching over us and protecting us. He is a powerful and compassionate being who is always willing to help those in need.

Jai Hanuman

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