Bajarang Baan in English


Nishchay Prem Pratiti Te, 

Vinay Karei Sanmaan,

Tehi Ke Kaaraj Sakal Shubh, 

Siddh Karei Hanuman.

Meaning: Those faithful followers who recite these verses with love and steadfast belief find all their positive wishes granted by Hanuman.

Jay Hanumant Sant Hitkaari, 

Sun Lije Prabhu Araj Hamari.

Jan Ke Kaaj Vilamb Na Kije, 

Aatur Dauri Maha Sukh Dije.

Meaning: Praise be to Hanuman, the protector of the righteous. We beseech you to heed our supplication. Waste no time in tending to the needs of your devoted followers. Hasten to fulfill them, granting us profound tranquility.

Jaise Kudi Sindhu Mahipaara, 

Surasa Badan Paithi Vistaara.

Aage Jaay Lankini Roka, 

Maarehu Laat Gai Suraloka.

Meaning: [Come running] just like when you leapt accross the ocean, entered and then emerged from the expanded mouth of Surasa [who tried to obstruct your path], and on landing in Lanka sent the demoness Lankini to the heavenly abode by kicking her to death [when she tried to prevent you from entering the city].

Jaay Vibhishan Ko Sukh Dinha, 

Sita Nirakhi Parampad Linha.

Baag Ujaari Sindhu Mah Bora, 

Ati Aatur Jamkaatar Tora.

Meaning: In Lanka, you brought joy to Vibhishan through your gracious encounter and achieved the highest regard through Sita’s compassionate blessing, earning Sri Ram’s love. Subsequently, you demolished the Ashoka grove, casting its trees into the ocean, symbolically shattering the very scythe of Yama, the God of Death.

Akshay Kumaar Ko Maari Sanhaara, 

Loom Lapet Lank Ko Jaara.

Laah Samaan Lank Jari Gai, 

Jay Jay Dhuni Surpur Me Bhai.

Meaning: You vanquished Akshay Kumar, Ravana’s son, and set Lanka ablaze with the power of your tail. Lanka ignited like melting wax, and the heavens reverberated with chants of “Hail to Hanuman’s glory.”

Ab Vilamb Kehi Kaaran Svami, 

Kripa Karahu Ur Antaryaami.

Jay Jay Lakhan Pran Ke Data, 

Aatur Hoy Dukh Karahu Nipaata.

Meaning: Why do you tarry, my Lord? You comprehend the thoughts of your devotees, so bestow your benevolence upon me. Praise to you, the restorer of Lakshman’s life. Swiftly dispel my apprehensions.

Jai Giridhar Jai Jai Sukh Saagar, 

Sur Samuh Samarath Bhatnaagar.

Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumant Hathile, 

Bairihi Maaru Bajra Ki Kile.

Meaning: Hail to you, the bearer of mountains! You are an endless source of joy, the most discerning among deities, and supremely adept. Oh, you with an unwavering resolve, obliterate the foes (such as lust, anger, greed…) as if they were struck by a thunderbolt.

Gada Bajra Lai Bairihi Maaro, 

Maharaj Prabhu Daas Ubaaro.

Omkar Hunkaar Mahaprabhu Dhaavo, 

Bajra Gada Hanu Vilamb Na Laavo.

Meaning: Oh Lord! Liberate your servant by striking down the adversaries with your mace, as if it were a thunderbolt. Uttering the resounding sound of OM, confront the foes and crush them with your mace.

Om Hrim Hrim Hrim Hanumant Kapisa, 

Om Hum Hum Hum Hanu Ari Ur Shisha.

Saty Hohu Hari Shapath Paayke, 

Ram Doot Dharu Maaru Jaay Ke

Meaning: Oh Hanuman, the Chief of Monkeys, I summon you with the Tantric mantra Oṁ hrīn hrīn hrīn and Oṁ hũ hũ hũ. Strike the foe in the chest and head. I solemnly affirm by the name of Hari that everything I speak is the truth. O emissary of Sri Ram, hasten to confront the enemy without delay.

Jay Jay Jay Hanumant Agaadha, 

Dukh Paavat Jan Kehi Aparaadha.

Pooja Jap Tap Nem Achaara, 

Nahi Jaanat Hau Das Tumhaara.

Meaning: Praise be to you, oh boundless Hanuman! For what transgression does your devotee endure such tribulation? This humble servant of yours is unaware of the ways of worship, sacred mantras, penance, or the observance of rituals and virtuous deeds.

Van Upavan Mag Giri Grih Maahi, 

Tumhare Bal Ham Darapat Naahi.

Paay Parau Kar Jori Manaavau, 

Yehi Avasar Ab Kehi Goharaavau.

Meaning: With trust in your power, I am without fear in any place – whether it be the forest, garden, mountains, on the road, or within the house. I bow at your feet and humbly request your aid with folded hands. At this moment, who else should I turn to?

Jay Anjani Kumar Balvanta, 

Shankar Suvan Vir Hanumanta.

Badan Karaal Kaal Kul Ghaalak, 

Ram Sahay Sada Pratipaalak.

Meaning: Hail Hanuman! Mighty offspring of Anjani and valiant child of Shiva. Your form is formidable and awe-inspiring, and you conquer even the minions of the God of Death. You perpetually stand beside Sri Ram and are the bestower of blessings upon all.

Bhoot, Pret, Pishaach Nishaachar, 

Agni Betaal Kaal Maari Mar.

Inhe Maaru, Tohi Shapath Ram Ki, 

Rakhau Nath Marjaad Naam Ki.

Meaning: Annihilate all malevolent entities: ghosts, spirits, specters, fiends, infernos, vampires, catastrophes, and plagues. Exterminate them in the name of Lord Sri Ram, thereby upholding the purity and righteousness of the sacred name.

Janaksuta Hari Das Kahaavo, 

Taaki Shapath Vilamb Na Laavo.

Jai Jai Jai Dhuni Hot Akaasa, 

Sumirat Hot Dusah Dukh Naasha.

Meaning: You are the devoted servant of Sri Ram and Mother Sita. I beseech you in their revered names – do not delay. The heavens echo with the resounding praise of your greatness, the mere thought of which dispels all grief.

Charan Sharan Kar Jori Manaavau, 

Yahi Avasar Ab Kehi Goharaavau.

Uthu Uthu Chalu Tohi Ram Duhaai, 

Pay Parau Kar Jori Manaai.

Meaning: I have sought refuge at your divine feet. I implore you, for whom else can I turn to in this hour of pressing necessity? Arise, arise, please come with haste! I earnestly entreat you with folded hands to take action.

Om Chan Chan Chan Chan Chapal Chalanta, 

Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumanta.

Om Han Han Haank Det Kapi Chanchal, 

Om San San Sahami Paraane Khal Dal.

Meaning: I beseech you, O agile Hanuman, invoking the cries of Oṁ chãṁ chãṁ chãṁ chãṁ and Oṁ hanu hanu hanu hanu. Move with the speed of lightning! O Hanuman, your swiftness is unmatched. Whenever the monkeys roar, the assembly of wrongdoers flees in fear.

Apane Jan Ko Turat Ubaaro, 

Sumirat Hoy Anand Hamaro.

Yah Bajrang Baan Jehi Marei, 

Taahi Kaho Phir Kaun Ubaarei.

Meaning: Rescue this devoted soul of yours without delay. I find immense joy in recollecting you. Who can save someone struck by the arrow of Bajarang Baan, an arrow as potent as a thunderbolt?

Path Karei Bajarang Baan Ki, 

Hanumat Raksha Karei Praan Ki.

Yah Bajrang Baan Jo Japei, 

Taate Bhoot-Pret Sab Kaampe.

Meaning: Those who recite these verses of Bajarang Baan are safeguarded throughout their lives by Hanuman. Even ghosts and malevolent spirits tremble in dread of those who intone this Bajarang Baan.

Dhoop Dey Aru Japei Hamesha, 

Taake Tan Nahi Rahe Kalesha.

Meaning: Those who offer incense in your presence and chant your sacred name are forever liberated from all forms of physical afflictions.


Prem Pratitihi Kapi Bhajei, 

Sada Dharei Ur Dhyaan,

Tehi Ke Kaaraj Sakal Shubh, 

Siddh Karei Hanuman.

Meaning: Those who devoutly recite Hanuman’s sacred name with unwavering faith and love, keeping him in their hearts, are certain to have all their wishes granted by Hanuman.

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